Crazy toad blushing
Crazy toad blushing

crazy toad blushing

“Is it some kinda gangly new creature I’ve never seen before?”, the leader mumbled to himself, while walking up to them. The red toad then pointed at the two teens. “What are those?!”, the leader exclaimed. He then turns around and slightly screams. “My name’s Sprig, actually.”, Sprig said. ”Sure are, runt.”, the leader answered quickly, already annoyed. Sprig then laughs. “Hey guys! Sooo, you are from Toad Tower?”, Sprig smiled. The toad given the weapon walks away, revealing Meredith, Anne, and Sprig behind them. There they go.”, Hop Pop groaned in annoyance. The toad took out a weapon and handed it to the one next to him. He then watches the three walk over to them. It’s probably for the best that we all stayed clear of-“, Hop Pop said. “It’s a big, scary tower deep in the swamp and the Toads that live there are the valley’s fiercest warriors!”, Sprig explained. ”Toad what?”, Meredith muttered. Sprig unrolled a map and showed it to the two teens. They rule over the entire valley.”, Hop Pop explained. Toadie, give them the list.”, Toadstool said. Toadie then takes out a long list. Ain’t that right?”, the toad leader said. The sound of a door opening reached their ears and looked over to see Toadstool rushing over to them. “Ah, nothing like cracking your neck after a long drive.

#Crazy toad blushing cracked

The toads stepped off the transport and their presumed leader cracked his neck. She looked up and saw a shadow walk forward towards them.Ī tarantula moving a group of toads entered the town square, a bunch of frogs running off to the sidelines. What’s wrong?”, Anne said, as she rubbed Bessie’s neck. Bessie suddenly came to a stop and began chirping.

crazy toad blushing

“Well, that statue’s new.”, Hop Pop muttered. The family looked at the statue they passed by. “I’ve been here too long.”, Anne continued. ”Ooh! My favorite!”, Anne said, before she stopped. Now, who wants pill bug pancakes?”, Hop Pop continued. “You’ll find a way to get their respect, in your own weird Anne n’ Merri way. He then pointed to the wooden sign at the entrance. It’s actually our town motto.”, Hop Pop told her. ”Oh, that’s just the way these frogs are. And to stop saying me and Merri are in a relationship.”, Anne muttered the last one to herself, a soft blush on her cheeks. I’ve been here over a month now and the townspeople still treat me crummy. ”Hey, what’s wrong?”, Meredith asked. Anne then sighs. “So did you get the beetle jerky you-“, Sprig asked, but was cut off by Meredith. The brunette quickly rushed out of the store with a frown. “Meredith is NOT my girlfriend!”, Anne shouted out. But, she was ignored, as everyone laughed louder. ”Yep, she always needs her girlfriend to keep her up!”, a random frog added. Anne’s blush grew brighter, as she stood up. ”Classic, clumsy, scarecrow!”, another teen frog said, before everyone nearby started to laugh and crowd her. “Hey! Didn’t you see the sign, scarecrow?”, a teen frog said, as they pointed to the said sign. She crosses her arms with a big frown, as she mutters to herself. Croaker stated, as her pet spider barked at her.Īnne scoffs and walks back to where Hop Pop last was. ”Hey! Don’t call me scarecrow! Oof-“, Anne growled, but was hit by Mrs. ”Ya snooze, ya lose, scarecrow.”, Wally laughed, as he jumped away. “Hey! That was totally mine, Wally!”, Anne angrily said. “Aha! Score! And I’ve got the last one.”, Anne smirks in victory before a tongue snatches the bag from her grasp. The product she was looking for caught her eyes. In the meantime, Anne was walking down a random aisle. Once Anne left, he dumped all of the pill bugs into his cart. “Can’t believe I just said that.”, Anne continued. I’m gonna go grab some of that beetle jerky Meredith and I like.”, Anne smiles, moving her fingers like worms before pausing. “Oh! Pill bugs are on sale.”, Hop Pop said. Hop Pop and Anne were seen shopping in the small grocery store.

Crazy toad blushing